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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Random Happiness

I bought a ridiculous shirt and I am so excited! My friend brought this to my attention about a couple years ago but finally it went on reprint and I happened to snag the last shirt, I just hope that I didn't order to big. Hooray for Threadless!

Other news, some good friends of mine decided they did not want their television any more and happened to ask us if we wanted it. So now I have a flat much lighter TV. My gent is excited, I am excited at the fact that we don't wont have to move a heavy beast when we move again. So Salvation Army came and took my old TV away, it was bittersweet and relieving. I am trying my hardest to get rid of things I just don't need or haven't even touched in years. I want to simplify my life, now if I could only convince my gent. Anyways, I hooked up the TV and stereo, then discovered I have crazy channels I never knew of! I have the weather channel in 3 different formats, travel channel, and some kind of Chinese station! Yay! Now I have a radio or some way to have louder music! Oh how I missed listening to music while I am eating or while my gent is away.

My new way of eating is doing pretty good, I just need to find some more awesome yummy veggie recipes.
Speaking of eating I better go and masticate before I go to work and school.

One more side note. I have added a Audio section to my website and soon more photos! But I will blog more about that over there @ shotbyLiz.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha that might be the greatest shirt ever!!! Love it!

    Yay, I'm glad the Flat Beast is working out for you! So happy that it went to a good home. :D We're having a fun time trying to figure out what photos to put up on our newly bare wall- it's a subject of much debate around here. haha!



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+(12) 3456 789

