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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The first bloggy on blogger, Fancy.
I have not blogged in a long time.... School is what happened and other stresses in my life at that time, but now I am getting towards the end of my schooling (for an Associates anyway) I figure I could pick this back up. I got inspired by a dear friend, who is going to start a food blog and who just blogs regularly.
I made this blog separate from my shotbyliz.com site because that is more aimed towards my industry networking and what I learn in the process of creating art of kinds. This place I figure could be more personal a place where I can just splurt things out, just like I am about to!

I have been slowly getting off the junky food I have been eating more of since I have been to Colorado in late Aug. Usually, I have been eating pretty well before Aug. No sugars unless by fruit or honey, and no hydrogenated crap. In August I worked out to hard and ended up with a hairline fracture on the top of my foot, I stopped working out everyday and then soon enough we went to CO. I ended up eating crap I shouldn't have and I have continued to do so, till now. With x-mas out of the way and my cookie fix slowly dying, now is the time to go back to a better diet, only this time I am going to eat more like the how our ancestors ate. I am going to try to make everything I eat and incorporate more veggies, fruits and meat. If I chose to have bread it will be spelt or sourdough. I am really excited and I know it will work! I just need to work on my cooking skrillz.
I am very thankful for my part-time job. It isn't stressful and I can benefit from classes. Totally am not used to it but man I can get very used to it. Everyone there is super nice and NO DRAMA!  A very great place for me to be in, and in a couple of months I will get a raise. Even when I get my full-time job, I do not plan on leaving the studio, that's how much I love this place. Currently, I am just doing the gentle yoga to get back into the game and one class of regular yoga. In January my Belly Dance classes should start back up and Gyrokenisis classes. I love to dance and fluidly move my body and these class will definitely do that! So all in all I should be in great health by my b-day right? :D  I just need to work on my mental health... I need a career and not retail. I think if it comes to that... I am seriously considering school again full-time till something happens...the state let's you get 2 associates and help you out but if you go for the BA then they are less likely to help you... something I need to look into more.
Till then, tea time is now!


  1. FIRST!!! (ahem.. had to get that out of my system.)

    Yay for healthy foods, yay for dancing, and yay for art! And of course, tea time. :)



Get in touch with me


12 Street West Victoria 1234 Australia

Phone number

+(12) 3456 789

